Member Testimonials

Member Blog – Where Has the Summer Gone?

Can’t Get to the Gym? Baltimore Gym Member Offers At-Home Exercise Ideas

I am writing this in the snatches of time that I can steal in-between babysitting our grandkids (a one-year-old and his four-year-old sister) and trying to run our business. Two years ago, when we chose to remodel our “domestic compound” and move our studio from downtown Cockeysville back to our home, I was anticipating slowing down and trundling my way into retirement over the next five years. Needless to say, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

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Fitness Tip

Support Whole Family Health with Fitness Programs Designed for Kids

Summertime Kids’ Fitness in Baltimore

While there will be plenty of fun in the sun (with sunscreen, of course), adventures with friends, and backyard play, there is another activity to introduce to your kids this summer. Bring them along to work out with you. Read on to learn more about why summer is the perfect time to help kids learn to support lifelong fitness by joining a gym.

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Why Exercising With Kids Could Change Everything

Fun Ideas for Kids’ Fitness in Baltimore, Reisterstown, & Timonium

You spend so much of your day at work, and your kids are off at school. When it comes down to it, you’re only getting a few precious hours with your kids a day — or less! As one of the most valued and influential people in their life, time with your kids is crucial. Though they are a handful, truth is the childhood years are over in a blink. The last thing you want is to take another hour or two away from your kid-time by exercising alone. Exercising with your kids is not only possible, it can be a whole lot of fun!
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