Meet Your Goals at Our Gyms in Baltimore, Reisterstown, & Timonium
The New Year is here, which means this is a time when many people are evaluating their health and coming up with goals to improve it. Although many people have the best intentions, new year resolutions can be hard to stick with.
Here are Four Ways That’ll Help Make Your New Year Resolutions Stick This Year
1. Be Specific
Instead of having a vague goal of “being healthier” or “losing weight” aim to make your goals specific to help you achieve them easier. For example, “Eat one salad each day at dinner” or “lose five pounds by the end of February.”
2. Come Up with a Plan
So now that you made a special new year resolution, it’s time to come up with a plan. If your goal is to lose weight, then think about what changes you are going to make to lose the weight. Maybe that means adding breakfast to your morning routine, cutting out soda, or stop buying candy every time you go to the grocery store. Think about all the steps you will need to take to reach your goal and write them down.
3. Make ONE Change at a Time
After you create a plan of how you are going to achieve your goal, work on making one change at a time. That’s because if you change everything at once, it can become overwhelming and tempting to give up altogether. So work on one change at a time, and remember – slow progress is still progress!
4. Have Accountability
Accountability is key for following through on goals. When we don’t have someone keeping us accountable, it’s easy to fall off track and give up on our new year resolutions. So how can you get accountability? Find a workout buddy to meet you at the gym in the morning, go grocery shopping with a friend, so you aren’t tempted to buy junk food or check in with a family member each night to discuss your progress. Whatever it may be, having someone that knows your plan and what you are trying to achieve can make the process much easier.
How do you plan on making your new year resolution stick? Let us know in the comments below!